Study Tips: How To Help Your Child Achieve Exam Success

Preparing for exams can be a stressful and overwhelming experience for school children and parents alike. Still, with the right study tips, children can feel confident and ready to tackle any exam that comes their way.

Study Tips for Success

There are many study tips that can help your child to do their best in tests and exams. Here are a few that could work for your children.

Start Early

One of the most important things students can do to prepare for exams is to start studying early. Cramming for exams the night before can be counterproductive and lead to stress and anxiety.

Teach your children to create a study schedule and review material before the exam. This will allow them the time to break down the material into smaller, manageable chunks, and give them an opportunity to ask questions and clarify concepts with their teachers or peers.

Encourage Active Learning

Simply reading through notes or textbooks isn't enough to effectively prepare for exams. It’s better for your children to practise active learning, which means engaging with the material in a meaningful way. This can include taking notes, creating flashcards, or summarising information in their own words. Active learning can help them retain information better and make connections between different concepts.

Try Different Study Techniques

Every child has a unique learning style, so it's essential to experiment with different study techniques to find what works best for your child. They may benefit from visual aids like diagrams, mind maps, or auditory cues like recording themselves reciting key information. Mixing up study techniques can also help prevent boredom and keep your children engaged in the material.

Review Past Exams

Encourage your child to review their past exams or assignments and pay attention to the types of questions that are typically asked. Usually, teachers will ask similar questions every year, so this is a great way to prepare. It also helps them identify areas where they may need additional practice or support.

Use Breaks for Self-Care

While studying for exams is important, it's also crucial to prioritise self-care and take breaks as needed. Ensure your child takes short breaks every hour or so to stretch, get some fresh air, or simply relax for a few minutes. Let them read a book, play ball, paint, or do anything else that makes them happy.

Take Care of Your Body

Getting enough sleep and eating a healthy diet are essential components of exam preparation. Lack of sleep can lead to poor concentration and memory retention, while unhealthy food choices can leave your children feeling sluggish and tired. Help your child to prioritise healthy sleep habits, like sticking to a consistent sleep schedule, and eat nutritious meals with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.

How to Support Your Child During Exams

As a parent, supporting your child during exam season can be both challenging and rewarding. While it's important to encourage your child to take responsibility for their own learning and exam preparation, there are several ways that you can provide support and help them succeed.

Create a Supportive Environment

One of the most important things parents can do to support their children during exams is to create a supportive and positive environment at home. This means providing a quiet and comfortable study space, offering motivation and support, and avoiding putting too much pressure on your child to achieve perfect grades.

It could be helpful to add a humidifier to the room and use essential oils if that’s something your child is okay with. A great choice is Atlantic Aromatics Study Blend  which contains basil and rosemary to stimulate the mind and improve concentration.

Help with Organisation

Keeping track of exam schedules, deadlines, and study materials can overwhelm many students. As a parent, you can help your child stay organised by providing them with a planner or calendar to keep track of their schedule and help them create a study schedule. Check in daily with your child to ensure they are on track with their exam prep.

Provide Extra Resources

If your child struggles with a particular subject or topic, it's important to provide them with the resources and support they need to succeed. This might include hiring a tutor or finding online resources to help them understand difficult concepts. You can also offer to review their work or quiz them on key concepts to help reinforce their learning.

Encourage Healthy Habits

As mentioned earlier, getting enough sleep and eating well are essential to exam preparation. As a parent, you can help your child prioritise healthy habits by providing nutritious meals and snacks, encouraging physical activity, and setting boundaries around technology use and screen time.

Try Out Natural Supplements

Natural products can ease anxiety, enhance memory, and improve concentration. Flower essences like those found in Bach Rescue Remedy Spray can decrease fear, increase patience, and help with focus.

Omega oils, found in fish, nuts, and seeds, can help to optimise brain function, reduce anxiety, and improve mood. During exam time, it could be helpful to supplement with a product like Eskimo Brainsharp.

Celebrate Small Successes

Celebrating your child's successes is important, no matter how small the achievement may seem. Whether they've aced a practice exam, mastered a difficult concept, or simply put in the effort to study consistently, take the time to acknowledge and celebrate their hard work. This will help build their confidence and motivate them to keep working hard.

Managing Stress

Exams can be stressful for children which makes it essential to help them manage any anxiety or stress they may be feeling. Here are some stress and anxiety management techniques for children during exams.

Take a Deep Breath

Encourage your child to take slow, deep breaths to help them calm down and relax. This is a simple and effective way to reduce anxiety and stress levels. Have them inhale slowly through their nose, hold for a few seconds, and then exhale slowly through their mouth.

Tell your child that it’s okay to feel worried during exams, but when they do, they should use deep breathing to help calm down.

Teach Mindfulness

Mindfulness techniques such as meditation or visualisation can help reduce stress and anxiety. Teach your child to focus on the present moment and to observe their thoughts and feelings without judgement. Let them do guided meditations that centre around calming their mind and concentrating on the task at hand.

Positive Affirmations

Teach your child to use positive self-talk to boost their confidence. Remind them to focus on their strengths and accomplishments and to believe in themselves.

Positive affirmations like the following can be helpful:

  • I am capable of achieving great things.
  • I am confident in myself and my abilities.
  • I have the courage to face any challenge that comes my way.
  • I choose to focus on the positive and let go of negativity.
  • I am smart, calm, and ready for exams.

Good Luck!

Preparing for exams can be a challenging task, but with the right study tips and strategies, students can feel confident and well-prepared. By combining good study habits, taking care of their physical and mental health, and with your support, your children can set themselves up for success. Remember to encourage your child to focus on their efforts and progress, and to celebrate their successes along the way!

Disclaimer: The advice in this article is for informational purposes only. Always talk to a healthcare professional before giving your child any supplements or herbal remedies.